Episode 4: Garfield & Guiteau - An Assassin's Trial
The United States v. Charles Guiteau
In 1881, President James Garfield was assassinated by a man named Charles Guiteau. The American public, understandably, wanted vengeance. But as the government began to prepare for Guiteau’s trial, a problem emerged: Guiteau, some experts believed, was insane, and might not have been responsible for his actions. Could justice be achieved in a case like this? Guiteau's dramatic trial put that question to the test...
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Works Cited/
H.H. Alexander, The Life of Guiteau and the Official History of the Most Exciting Case on Record: Being The Trial of Guiteau for Assassinating Pres. Garfield (Philadelphia: National Publishing Company, 1882).
Todd Arrington, “Stalwarts, Half Breeds, and Political Assassination,” Garfield Observer, James A. Garfield National Historic Site, 2012.
John Bucknill, Unsoundness of Mind in Relation to Criminal Acts (London: Samuel Highley, 1854).
“From Daniel M’Naughten to John Hinckley: A Brief History of the Insanity Defense,” Frontline, PBS.
James A. Garfield, in a speech to Williams College alumni, March 3, 1881, quoted in Donet D. Graves, Esq., “James A. Garfield and a Black Washingtonian, Part II,” Garfield Observer, James A. Garfield National Historic Site, June 2014.
Henry F. Graff, “Forgotten Tragedy,” New York Times, September 8, 1968.
James H. Herndon, “Ignorance is Bliss,” The Harvard Orthopaedic Journal, Vol. 15, December 2013.
Candice Millard, Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine, and the Murder of the President (New York: Doubleday, 2011).
Charlotte Muth, “The Witnesses,” WETA: Boundary Stones, November 23, 2020.
Brian Resnick, “This is the Brain that Shot President James Garfield,” The Atlantic, October 4, 2015.
Charles E. Rosenberg, The Trial of the Assassin Guiteau: Psychiatry and Law in the Gilded Age (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968).
Linda Sanabria, “The Irresistible Impulse Test,” FindLaw, December 5, 2023.
“The story of the balloting,” New York Times, June 9, 1880.
Samuel Strom, “The Durham Rule,” FindLaw, November 30, 2023.
Samuel Strom, “The M’Naghten Rule,” FindLaw, November 30, 2023.